Apr 30, 2012

Busy Busy Busy!

We have been insanely busy lately (in case you didn't get that from the title). M was in Texas on business all last week and I had a bridal shower and bachelorette party to attend that were both out of town. So last weekend I drove two hours alone with Bear to Chicago for the shower. It was the trip from HELL. He slept for the first 45 minutes, woke up, and was NOT happy. I stopped at a gas station to feed and change him, where he had a major meltdown in the bathroom (because those stupid hand dryers have to be louder than a jet engine) and I proceeded to accidentally drop his blanket on the floor (gross). I got him changed and fed and put him back in his car seat, which to him is basically a torture device. He eventually fell asleep for about 20 minutes and then woke up crying again. We were almost to the location, so I figured he could wait a few minutes. FALSE. He of course got ridiculously worked up and my iPhone took me to someone's house instead of the restaurant I was supposed to be at. I pulled into the nearest parking lot and took him out of his car seat and he stopped crying immediately. I finally figured out how to get to where I needed to be, but it was freezing cold out so it was a little too far to walk. I put Bear back in his seat and he started crying again, but luckily I was able to find a parking space fairly easily so we were there pretty quickly. At this point I was around 30 minutes late (oh, did I mention I was supposed to help host the shower?). Thankfully my friend is incredibly sweet and she completely understood.

Late and flustered, but we made it!
My parents met me at the shower (Chicago is halfway between our homes) and watched Bear so that I could enjoy myself (read: drink) at the shower a bit.

After the shower my mom rode back with Bear and I. I'm so glad she did because Bear cried about half of the way and I'm sure it would have been much worse had he not had my mom's or my hand to hold the whole way.

After we made it to my parents' house I decided the first thing I was going to do was order a convertible car seat (he had still been in the infant carrier) for the trip back. I was trying to decide between the Britax Marathon, Britax Boulevard, and Peg Perego Primavera Vesuvio. I finally decided on the Britax Boulevard because of the great reviews and the fun prints/colors!

Nothing says "badass" like a man in zebra print.
So far he definitely seems to like this seat better than the infant carrier, which I think was getting a little too cramped for him. (Side note: this seat was fairly easy to install, which is nice since I had to do it myself because M was out of town. I, however, am super paranoid and called all over trying to double check that I had installed it correctly. The Toyota dealership that we bought my car from was useless- the dude didn't even know what a convertible car seat was. He also had no clue what the LATCH system was. WTF?! The fire station didn't answer the phone- again, WTF?! I finally called Britax and they were really helpful. They were able to direct me to a bunch of online instruction videos for everything from installing using the LATCH system to anchoring the tether strap.)

The rest of the week was pretty relaxing (aside from the major cold I am still battling). Bear had a great time at my parents' house and got to see all of his cousins.

My brother, Papa (my dad), and my brother-in-law with all four of the grandsons (still no girls!)
The following weekend I had the bachelorette party in Chicago to attend. M also had a meeting there, so he flew straight from Texas to Chicago. His mom came up as well and she watched Bear for me while I got ready for the party.

I met up with my girlfriends at their hotel and we drank champagne and played penis games. After everyone was good and tipsy we headed to this place where you get drunk and paint. It was awesome.
Wine and art- doesn't get much better than that!
The finished product
I realized in drunk painting how much I miss being in touch with my creative side. Maybe once I have more free time I'll get back into drawing/painting/photography, but for now I just don't think I have the time.

I also realized how much I miss living in Chicago. I love where we are now, but I miss everything about the city- the food, the atmosphere, the noise. Maybe one day we will make it back in that direction if I can convince M.

On an unrelated note, I woke up this morning to this:

That would be Bear sleeping in his crib and our cat sleeping next to him. I'm usually good about making sure she isn't in the room before I shut his door, but she is so sneaky and my brain isn't always operating at full capacity around 4 am.

This coming weekend we will be making another road trip (6 hours- shoot me) for one of the two weddings I am in this month, so stay tuned- should be some good stories.

Apr 9, 2012

6 Months!

How on Earth has is been 6 months since Bear was born?! Half a year has never gone by so quickly. I know people say it all the time, but seriously, this has been the shortest 6 months of my life.

It's so amazing to look at Bear and see how much he's changed. The 6-month mark seemed so far away in October and yet here we are- rolling, sitting, getting teeth, eating real food, and doing all kinds of things that make me realize he's no longer that squishy little baby that just wants to be held.

Happy half birthday Bear. You're growing up too fast.
Eat your heart out

The three of us:)

Apr 8, 2012

Happy Easter!

Today was Bear's first Easter so of course I had to take some pics of him in his bunny hat.
My little bunny:)

The hat was a little small...

Getting so big!

Since M's parents are a 5.5 hour drive and mine are 4 hours (and they're vacationing on the Gulf anyway- jerks) we had our own little Easter this year. Bear of course decided to wake up early so M played with him for a bit so I could sleep in (until 8:45, woo!). We made some pomegranate and apricot peach mimosas and Bear "opened" his gifts from the Easter bunny.

Of course I forgot that we no longer have champagne flutes...
Bear's basket

Hangin' with Dad

New books!

His new ball that rolls around and plays obnoxious music!

After Bear played we headed to brunch at one of our favorite restaurants. I was worried that Bear was going to have a complete meltdown while we were there but he was fine the entire time (although I think it mostly had to do with the fact that he was eating pears for the first time). After brunch we drove around for a while so that Bear would nap. He did. Then he woke up and shit all over his brand-new white outfit. Overall, a pretty typical day.

Apr 5, 2012

An Afternoon at the Park

Last week we took Bear to one of the many playgrounds in our area for the first time. We decided to let him test out the baby swings...
Not so sure about this...

Really not sure about this...

I guess it's not so bad...

Not so bad at all...

I might even kind of like this...

Yup, definitely like this.

The slide was another story...

Intolerances and Allergies

Warning: This post contains a lot of poop talk.

When Bear was around a month old he became incredibly gassy and fussy. His poop changed from yellow and seedy (normal breastfed baby poop) to dark green and mucousy. Newborns' digestive systems "wake up" around 3 weeks, so I just assumed that's what was happening.

At his 2-month appointment I asked the doctor about a rash that Bear had on his torso. His first guess was that it was just sensitive skin, but after hearing that we use free & clear soaps and detergents he asked me what his poop looked like and I told him it was green and mucousy. He told me to try cutting out dairy to see if it made a difference. Within a couple days Bear was so much better. He was no longer a huge cranky-pants 24/7 and his poop was back to yellowish. His rash cleared up quite a bit (as well as the never-ending diaper rash we had been battling) and he also stopped wheezing and snorting. He was diagnosed as having a milk protein intolerance. (This is different from lactose intolerance because it is the proteins in the milk that the baby is unable to digest, not just the lactose.) I began a completely dairy-free diet, which was definitely an adjustment, but I got used to it pretty quickly.

After another month had passed the rash on Bear's belly still wasn't gone completely. He would also have random fussy days where his poop would look greenish. I had read a lot about milk protein intolerance and found that 50% of babies who are sensitive to dairy are also sensitive to soy. I cut soy out of my diet as well and his rash cleared up. He was like a different baby. I felt horribly guilty. Here I was thinking that my baby was just difficult for almost 4 months when in actuality he was miserable because of foods that I was eating.

Since he is sensitive to both dairy and soy he has what's called Milk/Soy Protein Intolerance (MSPI). Not being able to eat soy has been even more challenging than cutting out dairy. It is in EVERYTHING. I can't eat any fast food and if we do go out to eat I order a salad with no cheese (I also have to ask if whatever is in the salad- like chicken- is cooked in anything because seasoning often contains soy) and I bring my own salad dressing from Whole Foods. When we go out of town I bring a cooler full of foods that I can eat or I go grocery shopping whenever we get to our destination. Fun fun. It's a shitty diet for sure and somewhat isolating at times. I miss food. I used to love cooking and lived for trying new restaurants. I'm getting better at cooking dairy and soy-free dishes but it's just not as fun as it used to be and I feel like it's more of a chore than anything. I'm sure I sound like a whiny brat, but even with all the restrictions it is SO worth it to see Bear feeling better and not in pain.

The good news about MSPI is that some babies outgrow it around 6 months and even more by a year, which brings me to the other topic of this post- food allergies. MSPI is not the same as food allergies but we decided to have Bear allergy tested after he broke out in a rash and his horrible diaper rash came back when we stayed at my parents' last month.

The allergy test itself took only 15 minutes and Bear didn't even notice. They did a scratch test on his back, which is when they apply a tiny amount of allergen to the skin with a little plastic applicator-type thing. He was tested for 16 things all together, including dog, cat, milk, soy, dust mite, shell fish, egg, and a few others I can't remember. Here is what his back looked like a few minutes after the test was administered:
I could eat those rolls for dinner:)

The top left spot is the control. That is what a positive reaction looks like.

The test showed that he is NOT allergic to dairy and soy, meaning that it is indeed just an intolerance that he should grow out of eventually. He did test positive for egg, so he is most likely allergic to it. I'm avoiding egg for now and will attempt reintroducing it into my diet in a few months. We won't be giving Bear any egg directly until he passes the muffin challenge in the allergist's office, where he eats a muffin that has 1/3 of an egg baked into it and they see how he reacts. If he passes that challenge he will move on to a scrambled egg challenge, where they do the same thing except with scrambled eggs.

As far as his MSPI goes, the allergist left it up to me what I wanted to do regarding reintroducing dairy and soy into my diet. Part of me is terrified to do this and part of me wants to run out and eat an entire pizza by myself followed by a large chocolate shake.

I decided that I should start small and had a little bit of butter on some toast the other morning. The entire day Bear was completely normal but his poop did have a tiny amount of green mucous in it. I'm trying not to blame it on the butter since he is also eating solids now, which could easily have an effect on it as well. Aside from the poop issue he seemed fine (yay!). The following morning I had a scone with dairy baked into it and he seemed okay until the afternoon. He got pretty fussy at one point and then pooped three times, so yeah, I'll be laying off the scones for a while. Instead I'm going to be trialing things with soy for the next couple days and seeing how he does with that.

This post ended up way longer than I intended, but I wanted to be as specific as possible in case other MSPI or allergy mamas are dealing with the same thing. Unfortunately there isn't a ton of info out there regarding MSPI so a lot of babies go undiagnosed (or misdiagnosed as colicky or having reflux) for a long time before the problem is realized. Those first couple months before we knew were not fun and I feel for any mommies and babies who are going through or have gone through the same thing.