My mom has skin cancer. She called me the other day and told me that the few spots they tested on her face a couple weeks back were indeed cancerous. Luckily they said that as long as she got them removed she would most likely be fine. My sister who is a doctor talked to a few people where she lives in Cincinnati and my mom went down there yesterday for surgery. My sister said my mom was a little nervous going in, but my dad was with her and they said afterward that they think they got everything, so she most likely won't have to have any more surgery.
I know that she's going to be fine. She has to be. It's just hard being far away from family during times like these. I wish so badly that I could have at least been there to give her a hug, but I suppose that's how life goes and we just have to make the best of it. Bear and I will be making a trip to see my parents next weekend, so I'll just have to save my hugs until then.
In other news, we've been spending most of our time at the gym and across the street at the library. I'm itching for some warmer weather so that we can get outside, but being only February, I'm guessing we'll have to wait a while. I did get to go out for girls' night last night, which I haven't done in forever. We went to trivia night at one of the bars here and had drinks and talked about husbands, babies, and everything else. We've decided to do it every other week, with the husbands going the weeks in between. I think it will be good for both M and I to get out with friends sans Bear.
Speaking of Bear, he has been very into books lately. We probably read 30+ a day, including the 15+ readings of "Llama Llama Zippity-Zoom." I actually caught him like this the other day, "reading" to himself. So cute.
Reading:) |
The library is our go-to place when we have nothing else planned for the day. It's hard to see cars and people go by our place since we live 3 stories up, so it's a special treat to people/truck watch when we go to the library.
Watching cars go by at the library |
Open gym again. They set up an obstacle course this week and of course he was in Heaven.
He stuck the landing;) |
Another library day..
Judging.. |
You mean people actually come to the library to read? |
Heading out for girls night! |
Bear loooves smoothies (who doesn't?!) and I love them because I can hide all kinds of veggies and other good stuff in them. This one was pear, apples, kale, hemp milk, and flax and chia seed.
Sipping on our green smoothies |
Riding his bike |