Mar 16, 2012

Stupid Growth Percentiles...

Bear had another follow-up appointment yesterday with the pediatric neurologist to check his head circumference. His noggin is still pretty big (which we expected), but the good news is that it's following the same curve that it's been on percentile-wise. However, his soft spot still puffs out a bit so they are going to see us again in two months for another head circumference check, just to be safe.

What is kind of concerning me is his height. When he was born both his weight and height were about 50th percentile. However, as his weight has gone up (now 95th percentile) his height has gone down. At his appointment yesterday it was only in the 5th percentile! This is baffling me because while I am of pretty average height for a woman (5'5''), M is about 6'3". My biggest concern is that there could be something going on with his hormones that's causing this, but I'd be lying if I said I wasn't at all worried that he may just be a shorty. With a head that's in the 99th percentile and a height that is only 5th he is going to look like a bobblehead! I'm terrified that he will be teased mercilessly if he doesn't get taller by the time he starts school:(

The doctor said she isn't too concerned about his height at the moment, but that if he doesn't grow by his next appointment we can talk about seeing an endocrinologist. She thinks he will probably have a growth spurt soon though and that won't be necessary, so I'm crossing my fingers that that is the case!

On a lighter note, it is amazing outside, which means Bear has actually been able to get out in the sun and see that life does exist outside our tiny apartment!

Someone should probably tell him that it's kind of hard to look tough in a romper and sunhat.

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